
November 25, 2010

I realise I haven’t actually shared any photos here for a very long time, so I think it’s time for a couple of completely random photographs!

This is my final piece for art, and me showing off my Tiger-Lily style boots!

Me, looking, well, like me…

For some reason, I was fascinated by this pigeon and his shadow on the wall of the house next to ours…I must’ve stayed looking at him for about ten minutes…

Skimbleshanks was equally diverted by the pigeon…so much so that I couldn’t resist taking a photo of him reflected in the mirror! He’s a proper teenager now.

the Nerd within…

November 25, 2010

If I read 11 books between now and January 1st, I will have averaged exactly one book a week throughout 2010.

There’s just one word for that…


And proud.

One down, two more to go : )

^That relates to the three people I’ve really pissed off over the years, and my aim is to be friends with them all again, and Jamie was the one I was most worried about. Or most eager to befriend again. And he’s fine with me. This feeling is odd.

Well it’s exactly a month until Christmas eve. It seems my christmas comes with a compromise each year; I will be excited, while my dad isn’t and my mum gets depressed, or I’m bored, while my dad is excited and my mum get’s some peace.

I feel I’ve been neglecting my blog lately, and it’s not as pretty as I would like it to, and I’m not happy with the name since I’ve discovered another blog called ‘Elsie Marley’. Hm. The point of blogs is that they’re personal, so my blog name may change. It’s not really me, or up to date at the moment. Give me a few weeks and I shall act on it.


November 9, 2010

Guess what! This weekend will be *officially* free for me. I’m very excited. No art, no English, no History, no UCAS, no maths. I’m planning on doing some serious unravelling and stitching and reading. I’m really looking forward to Christmas, so all my stitching is based on that so far.

For the rest of the week I shall rush around finishing all the little jobs so I can have some me-time. It’s greatly anticipated.

Sort of failing :\

November 3, 2010

This week is craaazy. History coursework has started and English coursework starts in two weeks and all my art work has to be in on Monday and I have a maths exam in a week and AARGH! Not to mention UCAS so I can actually go to uni. Damn.

Ah well. I keep telling myself I could still be doing photography on top of it all!

I’m weeks behind in the unravelling course but I’m going to print off all the stuff I haven’t done yet and buy a lovely new journal and at the weekend just indulge in some unravelling between the panic attacks. But at least I’ve finished my final piece! It’s A0 size and I’m hoping to put a photo up at the weekend. Plus I need to go searching for some followers to my blog. I’m getting slightly depressed just writing posts to myself. I’m hoping to accomplish a lot of things this weekend.

 Anyone watch True Blood? I am.

Just a conversation starter there.

: )